With Valentines Day right around the corner, we wanted to talk about some power couples that have inspired us to make grand romantic gestures. These couples have made a great impact on their various industries as well as our heart strings Beyonce & Jay – Z Beyonce & Jay-Z have given us the blue print…Continue reading
Category: Anniversary Flowers
Halloween DIY: a different way to use pumpkins for durable, floral decor – step-by-step
The best thing about DIY decorations is the fact that you can create something different and unique for every occasion, using your favorite components that are guaranteed to please the eye.
Claude Monet’s Flowers
Claude Monet was a genius, an artist, a visionary… but most importantly – a fan of flowers just like us! In honor of this impressionist painter’s birthday on November 14, we’re celebrating him and the flowers that inspired some of his most famous works. Monet’s Most Famous Flower Paintings:This Water Lilies (Nymphéas in French) series of almost…Continue reading
Halloween DIY: a different way to use pumpkins for durable, floral decor – step-by-step
The best thing about DIY decorations is the fact that you can create something different and unique for every occasion, using your favorite components that are guaranteed to please the eye. It is a method of building, modifying, or repairing things without the direct aid of experts or professionals. This Halloween I decided to create a…Continue reading
21 flowers to mark wedding anniversaries
You may have heard of the silver wedding anniversary, celebrated after 25 years of happy marriage, or the gold wedding anniversary, which marks 50 years of this love bond, but did you know that wedding anniversaries are also marked by specific types of flowers? Whether you’re looking for inspiration for a wedding anniversary gift or…Continue reading
Flowery essential oils that will help you unwind this National Relaxation Day
With National Relaxation Day coming up tomorrow, we’re giving you the perfect excuse to try some essential oils, which will take R and R to the next level. I’m sure you’ve heard of aromatherapy before, but have you ever wondered how it actually works? First thing, what is aromatherapy? It is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant…Continue reading
December’s Birthflower: The Festive Poinsettia
Photo via http://ow.ly/VD3rp When poinsettias start to appear in windows all around my neighborhood, I know that the holiday season is in full gear. A bright red poinsettia wrapped in gold or silver ribbon is a must-have for people who love to decorate their homes and businesses in December. So I thought I’d use this…Continue reading
Green Up Your Cubicle With These Artificial-Light Loving Plants
Photo via http://ow.ly/VrWGs As winter approaches, many people begin to miss the colorful flowers and plants that disappear with the cold weather. Some people even deal with seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. Fortunately, there are many low-maintenance plants you can add to your office space to give the atmosphere a much-needed dose of cheer. For…Continue reading
Wedding Flower Trends Of 2015
Photo via http://ow.ly/M48kn Each spring, I look forward to seeing all of the interesting new trends for the upcoming wedding season. What sorts of colors will be popular this year? What types of flowers will brides use in in their bouquets? All of the fresh, creative ideas serve to inspire me in my own floral…Continue reading
A Romantic’s Guide to Rose Colors and their Meanings
An old and classic love poem by Robert Burns states “my love is like a red, red rose”, and this is indeed what most of us automatically think the rose symbolizes; however, there is a rose for most other emotions as well. Roses and specific rose colors have long carried unspoken meanings that symbolize everything…Continue reading