Kids Guide to the Parts of A Flower
Flowers come in many different textures, shapes, colors and sizes. In fact, you can even find ones that you can eat at your local grocery store, which makes it fun to learn about the different parts of the flower! For example, every time you eat broccoli you're eating a flower. Just like us, there are both female and male flowers. Sometimes, flowers have both female and male reproductive parts. This can be confusing, because certain flowers like a dozen red roses are considered girly by us humans. Most flower bouquets, even roses, actually have both male and female parts. Although it's perfectly fine to say female or male flower, there are also scientific names for them, as well. For example, a flower that has both female and male parts is described as a complete flower.
Peduncle and Receptacle
The peduncle and the receptacle are the flower parts that hold the actual flower up in the air. When you're looking at the parts of a flower, the peduncle is the stem. The receptacle can be found underneath the flower at the base. This is where the reproductive parts of the flower are found.
Sepal and Calyx
The little leaves that are underneath the flower are called the sepals. They are important parts of the flower because they protect the bud as it's forming. Together, all of the sepals make the calyx. Some flowers have only a few sepals, while others have many.
Petal and Corolla
The petals are the most colorful parts of a flower! They come in all kinds of shapes and colors so that bees, birds and other pollinators will be attracted to the flower. Not all flower petals smell good, or produce nectar, and some don't even have a scent at all! Together, all of the petals are called the corolla.
Male Flower Parts
If a flower only has male parts, it is called a staminate flower. This is because the male flower contains the stamen. The stamen is where you will find the filament, anther and the pollen after it's made. The anther is where the pollen is on a flower, and it sits on top of a stalk, which is also known as the filament. Without pollen, plants wouldn't be able to reproduce!
Female Flower Parts
When a flower only has female parts, it is called a carpellate or pistillate flower. This is because the female parts of a flower make up the carpel, which is also sometimes known as the pistil. Here you will find the stigma, style, ovary and ovules. As a flower matures, the ovary will eventually turn into the fruit while the ovules become the seeds. A good way to learn about the ovary and ovules of a flower is to look at an apple!
Dissect a Flower (PDF) - Learn about the different parts that make up a flower in this group dissection project.
Flower and Plant Games - Check out a diagram that shows the important parts of a flower, as well as a fun list of interactive flower and plant anatomy games.
Functions and Parts of a Plant (PDF) - Have fun learning about the lifecycle of a plant, including how flowers form and their various parts.
Guide to Flowers (PDF) - Check out this cool flower picture guide that you can use to identify different parts of a flower once you learn about basic plant anatomy!
Basic Flower Structures - Study a colorful flower diagram that shows where all of the parts are located.
Facts about Flowers - Discover some interesting facts about flowers while you learn about their parts.
Important Flower Structures and Descriptions - Look at a basic diagram showing the different parts of a flower, including a list of definitions.
Plant Lifecycle Game - Play an interactive game that helps you learn to match the different flower anatomy terms with their correct place on a flower.
Flower Dissection Facts - Look at flower dissection pictures and learn about the different structures that are shown.
Flower Facts for Kids - Learn important facts about flowers that will help you stay safe while you're inspecting the different parts.
Daffodil Dissection Guide (PDF) - Learn how to dissect a daffodil in this handy step-by-step picture guide.
Edible Flowers (PDF) - Discover all kinds of edible flowers while you learn about flower structures and their important functions!
Dissect a Flower at Home - Ask your parents to help you follow along with this step-by-step flower dissection project!
Kids Guide to Flower Pollination (PDF) - Find out what parts of the flower aid in pollination, and why they are important.
Flower Pollination, Anatomy and Dissection Worksheets (PDF) - Have your teacher help you fill out these fun work sheets that will help teach you about flower parts!
Important Flower Terms - Discover important flower terms using these colorful pictures and diagrams.
Anatomy of a Rose (PDF) - Look at colorful flower pictures while you learn about the parts of a rose.
Anatomy of a Flower Activity (PDF) - Investigate the different parts that make flowers work using this fun printable worksheet!
Plant Games and Quizzes - Browse through a list of fun plant and flower games that you can play while you learn about the important parts of a flower!
Flower and Plant Parts Identification (PDF) - Use what you've learned about flowers and plants in this fun collection of work sheets and quizzes.
Plant Vocabulary - Learn a fun song that will help you memorize the important parts of a plant!
Studying Flowers (PDF) - Have your teacher help you investigate the important parts of a flower in this fun project that includes diagrams and activities.
Flower Game - Test yourself by playing this fun interactive flower anatomy game that will help you memorize where the different flower parts are located!
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