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Grief Support Resources for Children

Grief Support Resources for Children

Everyone has to deal with grief at some point in their life, and it can be particularly painful when that grief is due to the death of a loved one. The pain can linger for weeks, months, or years, but having support from family can help parents and their children through this difficult time. The way that people experience grief can vary from person to person, so it's important to be patient with your other family members and not judge them for their feelings. It's also important to keep the lines of communication open between family members, making your home a safe emotional space. Children in particular may need to ask difficult questions as they come to grips with the loss. You may not have all of the answers to these questions, but you should do your best to respond with age-appropriate information and be patient with them as they work through their feelings. Numerous resources are available, both online and in your community, to help you through this process.

Helping Children With Grief

It's a good idea to tell other important adults in your child's life, such as their teachers or daycare providers, about the loss so that they are prepared to support your child as needed.

Children and Grief

Make sure that all information you provide to a child is age-appropriate.

Remembering Loved Ones

This video from Sesame Workshop can help children to think about how they can remember someone they care about after they're gone.

When a Loved One Dies: How to Help Your Child

Remember to use simple language to explain someone's death to a child.

Five Tips for Talking With Kids About Death

When you talk to children about death, avoid euphemisms that could confuse them, like "passed away" or "not with us anymore."

Helping Children Deal With Grief

Encourage your child to express their feelings, whether it's in words or through drawing pictures.

Walking a Child Through a Funeral: Nine Tips for Parents

If you choose to bring your child to the funeral of a lost loved one, you'll need to explain to them what to expect.

Grief and Children

When a loved one dies, children may react in unexpected ways. For instance, they may feel guilty, thinking that the death was their fault, or they may regress in behavior, talking in baby talk or wetting the bed.

Grief Counseling for Children

Most children will be able to process their grief and move forward with family support, but some may need help from a professional.

How to Teach Funeral Etiquette to Children

Prepare your child for what happens at a funeral, and tell them the unwritten rules of attending one, such as being quiet and respectful and not running around.

Guidelines for Helping Grieving Children

Be careful not to make a child shoulder their parents' emotional burden. They should know that it's OK to cry and be upset, and they shouldn't feel the need to be strong for others.

Taking Children to Funerals

In general, children should be invited to funerals, as these events can help them to process their grief. However, if the child does not want to go, don't force them.

How to Talk About Death With Children

Be prepared for your child to have a lot of questions after someone dies, and try to answer those questions as honestly as you can.

Helping Kids Cope With Grief: Tips to Support Children

If your child is having a hard time opening up about their feelings, encourage them to write or draw to express what they're thinking.

Helping Children Cope With Loss

Look out for signs that your child may be struggling to process their grief, such as nightmares or poor performance at school.

Preparing Children for a Funeral

Before the funeral, make arrangements with an adult who will be able to take care of your child if they get overwhelmed and need to leave.

Grief in Children: How to Help Kids Cope With Loss

Death can be a difficult concept to grasp for younger children.

Supporting Children Through Times of Grief

Sharing your own feelings about the loss can help your child to open up about how they feel.

Questions Children May Ask

Be prepared for your child to have a lot of questions about death and dying after someone close to you dies.

How to Talk to Your Children About the Death of a Loved One

Children will react to death in different ways depending on their age.

How Children Understand Death

Young children may have a hard time grasping the permanence of death and think that their loved one will be back.

The Rabbit Listened

This story illustrates the variety of reactions that people can have when bad things happen. Watch this video with your child, then encourage them to talk about the feelings they have, letting them know that you'll be there to listen.

Key Points to Remember When Talking to Children About Death

Our instinct is often to shield kids from things that may be difficult or upsetting, but it's important to be honest with them when someone dies.

How to Help Children Grieve

If your child doesn't want to talk about their loved one or how they feel, don't force them. These feelings can be overwhelming, and they may need to set them aside and take a break from time to time.

How to Involve Children in a Funeral

Whether or not your child will be attending the funeral, you can offer them the opportunity to participate in different ways.

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