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Flower Garden Information on Garden Roses

Smell the Roses - Information on Garden Roses

Growing garden roses is a treasured hobby for many people. Garden roses are hybrids that grow in a variety of forms and colors. When garden roses are planted they enhance the beauty of a home or business. Garden roses are also used to beautify parks and other outdoor venues. The following are a gathering of the many varieties of garden roses accompanied by some interesting facts about them.

Wild Roses

Harison's Yellow - This rose carries the famous name of the 'yellow rose of Texas.' The name Harison relates to the attorney, George Harison, who grew the first blooms on his property in New York City. Harison's yellow is also known as the Oregon Trail Rose because it has been seen growing wild in that area.

Rosa banksiae - This rose was originally grown in central China. The blooms of this flower, also called Lady Banks' rose, are white or pale yellow. This rose is a lovely, familiar sight in many gardens in China.

Rosa foetida - This flower has distinctive, brilliant yellow petals along with a scent that is hard to miss. The Rosa foetida or, Persian yellow rose, is from Georgia in the Caucasus Mountains. This rose's shade of yellow is found in many hybrids.

Rosa moschata - This flower is also known as the, 'musk rose' because of its strong, musk-like scent. It is believed to have originated in the western Himalaya Mountains. The musk rose has white petals with leaves that are grayish green in color. In a warm climate, this flower blooms from late spring throughout the late autumn months.

Rosa pimpinellifolia - This flower, also called the Burnet rose, is recognized by its bristly stems and small, cream-colored petals. The Burnet rose was originally found in northwestern Africa as well as central Europe. This rose grows near sand dunes and where limestone is present.

Rosa rubiginosa - A rose known for an apple fragrance and delicate pink petals. This rose originated in Europe and west Asia. Underneath its pink petals this rose has prickly stems.

Old Garden Roses

Alba - This rose got its name as a result of its white petals. These roses flower once a year in the spring or summer. The white (or sometimes pink) blossoms have a pleasant scent.

Bermuda 'Mystery' Roses - This is a tropical rose from Bermuda. They are resilient flowers in their tropical climate. They are referred to as 'mystery' roses because the historical origins of the flower are unclear.

Bourbon - These roses originated on the Isle of Bourbon in the Indian Ocean. They can be found on climbing shrubs and flower several times. They are the result of a cross between an Autumn Damask and a China rose.

Centifolia - A flower also known as a cabbage rose for its similarity in shape. Originally from the Netherlands, these roses are famous for their 100 petals. They grow in a variety of sizes and are even found in miniature form.

China - This rose type originated in Eastern Asia. The petals of this rose grow darker as it blooms instead of fading like many other roses. They have small blooms with a wisp of fragrance.

Damask - This rose originated in the Middle East. If it's a summer Damask rose it blooms a single time during that season. If it's a four seasons Damask rose, it blooms a second time in the autumn. A Damask rose has pink petals as well as a powerful fragrance.

Gallica - This is also known as the apothecary rose because it was used at one time in some medicines. Its petals are found in various shades of deep red. The Gallica rose originated in central Europe.

Hybrid Musk - A man named Joseph Pemberton originally raised these roses. These flowers have a musk-like scent and are resistant to many diseases. They are known to flower repeatedly.

Hybrid Perpetual - These roses are found in the colors of pink, red and white. They bloom in the spring, but are unlikely to bloom again after that. This rose is connected with the era of Victorian England.

Hybrid Rugosa - This rose is resistant to many diseases and originated in Korea as well as Japan. These roses flower many times and possess a strong fragrance. One of the interesting qualities of this rose is the texture of its leaves.

Moss - A rose that is famous for its earthy, wood-like fragrance. Most of these roses flower just once. They are relatives of cabbage roses.

Noisette - This rose has been known for faring well in the winter. It's named after a man called Phillipe Noisette. The first Noisette rose was found in South Carolina.

Portland - This rose is known for its short stature. It was named after the Duchess of Portland. It's a result of a cross between China and European roses.

Tea - This rose from China has petals that are light-yellow in color. The scent of this rose is similar to that of tea. The petals of a tea rose curl at the edges.

(Miscellaneous) Climbing Bourbon, Sweet Briar, and Boursault - These are other roses of note that are often categorized in the same group

Modern Garden Roses

Hybrid Tea - This rose has large petals that stand tall. It is a very popular rose due to its lovely petal structure. This rose is also known as 'LaFrance.'

Pernetiana - This rose can be found in a number of unique colors including copper, scarlet, and lavender. It has very little fragrance and is more prone to disease than other roses. A man named Joseph Pernet-Ducher first developed these roses.

Polyantha - This rose with tiny blooms can be found in red, white, and pink. An owner of a polyantha doesn't have to spend a lot of time with its care. These roses are particularly resistant to many diseases that plague roses.

Floribunda - This rose was developed by a Danish man named Poulsen. When these roses flower they create masses of color in a garden. They are often found in parks because of their ability to flower plentifully.

Grandiflora - This is sometimes called the 'Queen Elizabeth' in her honor. It flowers in numerous clusters. They became popular roses in the mid-20th century.

Miniature - There are many varieties of miniature roses. They flower repeatedly and are found in a variety of colors. They are originally descended from shrubs.

Climbing and Rambling - There are many varieties of climbing roses. Climbing roses can get as tall as twenty inches. An American Pillar and a Blaze are two examples of climbing roses.

Shrub - This refers to the way that some roses are arranged. This grouping of roses is often seen in hedge form. They can also be used as a border in a garden.

English/David Austin - The designation comes from a rose developer named David Austin in England. Austin was interested in renewing people's interest in the qualities of Old Garden Roses. The point of the endeavor was to improve on the qualities of albas, gallicas, and other similar rose varieties.

Canadian Hardy - There are two series of roses included in this group: the Explorer and the Parkland. This category of rose was developed to withstand the winter conditions of Canada. A selection of interesting colors and forms was the result of this rose development project.

Landscape (Ground Cover) – These roses were developed to give rose owners lovely flowers that required a small amount of care. They flower repeatedly and grow low to the ground. In addition, they require very little pruning attention.

Patio - A person with a small amount of space for roses may prefer this type. They are colorful and are similar to miniature roses. There are also climbing varieties of patio roses.

Additional Rose Resources

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