A Simple Guide to State Flowers
The state flower of Alabama is the Japanese Camellia. Known as the "Rose of Winter", the flower is large and striking with yellow stamen and rose-like petals of white, pink, and red.
The Alpine Forget Me Not is the state flower of Alaska. This pretty flower has five sky blue symmetrical petals and a yellow circle.
Arizona's state flower is the Saguaro Cactus Blossom. The flowers are about 3 inches in diameter and they are creamy white with yellow centers.
The Apple Blossom is the state flower of Arkansas. The flower has five whitish-pink petals and it has a distinctive fragrance.
California's state flower is the Californian Poppy. Native to the state, the flower has four yellow to orange petals.
The Rocky Mountain Columbine is Colorado's state flower. The flower has 5 sepals and 5 petals of two different colors, ranging from white to blue, and even pink.
The state flower of Connecticut is the Mountain Laurel. Beautiful and fragrant, the blossoms appear in pink and white.
The Peach Blossom is the state flower of Delaware. Measuring about 1 inch across, the flowers are punk to lavender.
Since Florida is famous for its delicious oranges, it makes sense that the Orange Blossom is its state flower. The
The state flower of Georgia is the Cherokee Rose. Growing up to about 4 inches in diameter, the fragrant flower has five petals of pure white and yellow stamens.
Hawaii's state flower is the Hibiscus. Shaped like a trumpet, the flower appears in pink, purple, yellow, red, and orange with a stem-like filament.
The state flower of Idaho is the Syringa. Solitary or clustered, the fragrant flower is white and showy.
The "Blue Violet" is the state flower of Illinois. In the state, there are eight species of blue-flowered violets.
Indiana's state flower is the Peony. Large and spectacular, the flower appears in red to white or yellow.
The Wild Rose is Iowa's state flower. Growing in the wild, these flowers appear in various shades of pink with yellow stamens.
Kansas' state flower is the Sunflower. The flower is easily recognized by its many yellow or bright yellow rays surrounding the central brown or maroon disk.
The Goldenrod is the state flower of Kentucky. Measuring less than a quarter inch across, the flowerheads have yellow disk florets and yellow ray florets.
Louisiana's state flower is the Magnolia. The fragrant flowers are large, showy, and white with 6 to 12 waxy-textured petals.
The White Pine Cone and Tassel is the state flower of Maine. Measuring 4 to 8 inches long, the pine cone is normally slightly curved.
Maryland's state flower is the Black-eyed Susan. Measuring up to 3 inches in diameter, the flower has dark-brown center which is surrounded by yellow rays.
The Mayflower is Massachusetts' state flower. The showy flower appears in white to pink.
Michigan's state flower is the Apple Blossom. Of the variety known as the American Crabapple, the fragrant flowers are either white or pink.
The Lady's Slipper is the state flower of Minnesota. An orchid which is brightly-colored, the lady's slipper has white petals that sit atop a pink-streaked "slipper".
Mississippi's state flower is the Magnolia. The cream-colored flower is shaped like a cup.
The White Hawthorn Blossom is the state flower of Missouri. Growing in bunches on hawthorn trees, the flowers are white with red stamens.
The state flower of Montana is the Bitterroot. The flower has up to 9 oval-shaped sepals and about 15 rose to deep pink to white oblong-shaped petals.
The Goldenrod is Nebraska's state flower. Yellow in color, the flower blooms for a month from late summer to early fall.
Nevada's state flower is the Sagebrush. Tubular and very small, the flowers are yellowish.
The Purple Lilac is New Hampshire's state flower. Highly fragrant, the flowers are cream, white or purple-pink in color.
New Jersey's state flower is the Purple Violet or Common Blue Violet. Measuring about three quarter inch in diameter, the flower has five medium to strong violet petals.
The Yucca is the state flower of New Mexico. The greenish-white flowers are shaped like bells and pendulous.
New York's state flower is the Rose. One of the most popular flowers, it has multiple sets of petals in various colors.
The Dogwood is the state flower of North Carolina. Appearing in early spring up to the summer, the flowers are mostly white but there are also pink and red ones.
North Dakota's state flower is the Wild Prairie Rose. Blooming from May to September, the flowers have pink to white petals.
The Scarlet Carnation is the state flower of Ohio. Measuring up to 2 inches across, the sweetly scented flowers are red.
Oklahoma's state flower is the Oklahoma Rose. Highly fragrant, the rose is dark red but in warm weather, it's close to black velvet.
The Oregon Grape is Oregon's state flower. The slightly fragrant flowers are small, perfect, and bright yellow in color.
Pennsylvania's state flower is the Mountain Laurel. Blooming in May, the flowers are white to rose with purple markings.
The Common Blue Violet is Rhode Island's state flower. Blooming from April to May, the flowers are three quarter inch across and purple.
South Carolina's state flower is the Carolina Yellow Jessamine. Fragrant, the flowers are bell-shaped and bright yellow in color.
The American Pasque Flower is South Dakota's state flower. The flower has up to seven sepals which are purple to white.
Tennessee's state flower is the Iris. Large and colorful, the flowers come in various colors like white, lavender, yellow, blue, and more.
The Bluebonnet is the state flower of Texas. The fragrant flowers grow in clusters and they are usually pea-like and blue.
Utah's state flower is the Sego Lily. Measuring 3 inches in diameter, the white flowers are satin-like and shaped like goblets.
The Red Clover is Vermont's state flower. Measuring up to one and a quarter inches in length, the flower heads are round to oval, and pink to red.
The American Dogwood is the state flower of Virginia. White and sometimes pink, the flowers are and about two inches across.
The Coast Rhododendron is the state flower of Washington. Measuring up to one and a half inches long, the flowers are showy, large, and rose-purple in color.
West Virginia's state flower is the Rhododendron. Appearing in late spring to early summer, the flowers are white or pale pink.
The Wood Violet is Wisconsin's state flower. Found on stalks without leaves, the five-petal flowers are blue or purple in color.
The state flower of Wyoming is the Indian Paintbrush. Blooming from June to September, the flowers are red to yellow.
Written By Ava Rose.
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